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Colon and Rectal Surgery

Colon and Rectal Surgery Services In Chevy Chase, MD

Colon and Rectal Surgery

Colon and rectal surgery may be a part of your treatment plan for cancerous and non-cancerous gastrointestinal diseases.  At the office of Thomas G. Zorc, MD, holistic, patient-centered colon and rectal surgery services are available for individuals aged 16 and up. Dr. Zorc uses advanced, minimally invasive techniques to minimize your risk of scarring and other complications. He also provides high-quality postsurgical care to ensure the best outcome for your treatment. Call the Chevy Chase, Maryland, office to schedule a colon and rectal surgery consultation, or request an appointment online today.

Colon and Rectal Surgery Q & A

What is colon and rectal surgery?

Colon and rectal surgery address chronic or complex gastrointestinal conditions and illnesses that aren’t treatable with nonsurgical therapies.

Dr. Zorc offers minimally invasive and open colon and rectal surgery procedures for individuals aged 16 and up. He uses advanced surgical techniques to treat a range of gastrointestinal conditions, often on an outpatient basis. Comprehensive postsurgical services are also available to minimize your risk for complications and ensure you achieve a full recovery.

Dr. Zorc is available at any time, including after hours, to address any questions or concerns you have after surgery.

Why would I need colon and rectal surgery?

Colon and rectal surgery are usually recommended to remove cancerous and non-cancerous masses in part of your colon or rectum, treat repeated bouts of diverticulitis, or diseases of the anal region.  Dr. Zorc also offers acute care surgery services to treat medical emergencies such as an abscess near the anus or thrombosed hemorrhoids.  You may be a candidate for colon and rectal surgery if you have conditions like:

  • Colon cancer
  • Rectal cancer
  • Peri-rectal abscess
  • Diverticulitis

Dr. Zorc can also use advanced surgical techniques to treat hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and fistulas.

Diagnostic imaging technologies are available in the office, so you may not have to go elsewhere for testing to make a diagnosis. Dr. Zorc also evaluates your ability to tolerate surgery and anesthesia.

What is the recovery time after colon and rectal surgery?

Your recovery time depends on the type of colon and rectal surgery you have. Based on the reason for your surgery, Dr. Zorc can discuss what to expect during your initial consultation.

Many types of colon and rectal surgeries are available on an outpatient basis, so you can expect to go home soon after your procedure. Dr. Zorc prescribes any medications you need to prevent infection and ease discomfort.   He can also recommend activity changes you should make to protect the surgical site. For instance, after hemorrhoid removal or other rectal surgery, you may need to avoid sitting directly on your incisions for some time.

If you have a more complex procedure, you may need to spend part of your recovery in a hospital. Dr. Zorc continues to monitor your healing to ensure a full recovery.

Call the office of Thomas G. Zorc, MD, to schedule a colon and rectal surgery appointment, or request a consultation online today.