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Hernia Surgery

Hernia Surgery Services In Chevy Chase, MD

Hernia Surgery

If you have swelling or bulging in your groin, by your belly button, or in your abdominal wall, you could have a hernia.  If you have a hernia or think you have a hernia or a weak spot in your abdominal wall, you can rely on the surgical expertise of Thomas G. Zorc, MD. For hernia evaluations, he routinely uses a customized approach with on-site ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis of a hernia.  He recommends ultrasound as the first test to diagnose a hernia to avoid the radiation associated with a CAT scan.  He performs surgery for all types of abdominal wall hernias including inguinal, umbilical, and incisional in people aged 16 and up.  Call the Chevy Chase, Maryland, office to schedule a hernia surgery consultation or request an appointment online today. 

Hernia Surgery Q & A

What is hernia surgery?

Hernia surgery is a treatment option for a weakness or a break in the abdominal wall.  Hernias do not heal on their own and surgery is required to repair most hernias.  Hernias can be painful, or the bulging can interfere with your quality of life. A hernia or weak spot can allow your intestines or other abdominal organs to push through your abdominal wall.

There are several types of hernias that can develop in both men and women. Inguinal hernias are the most common and occur in the groin area when your intestines push through the inguinal canals in the lower abdominal wall.

Other types of hernias that may require surgery include:

  • Umbilical (belly button)
  • Epigastric hernia (above the belly button)
  • Incisional hernia (near an incision from a previous abdominal surgery)
  • Femoral hernias (upper thigh and groin)

Dr. Zorc will review the options and his recommendations for repair, including the latest minimally invasive, laparoscopic, robotic, and open surgical techniques. 


When should I consider hernia surgery?

You should schedule a hernia surgery consultation with Dr. Zorc if you have a bulging or swelling with or without pain in your abdomen, groin, or near a surgical incision.  Hernias may enlarge or become painful when standing or during physical activity such as lifting heavy objects.

Dr. Zorc completes a physical exam and may perform or recommend an ultrasound or other diagnostic imaging tests to evaluate the severity of your hernia.  He may recommend additional testing to ensure you’re healthy enough for hernia surgery.


What happens during hernia surgery?

Depending on the type of hernia you have, Dr. Zorc can perform either laparoscopic surgery or open surgery to repair it.  All hernia surgeries require an incision or several incisions and sutures.  Some require mesh to reinforce the area of weakness.


What is laparoscopic hernia surgery?

Laparoscopic hernia surgery requires several small incisions to access the hernia.  Dr. Zorc uses specialized surgical tools, including a tiny camera to view and repair the hernia. He repositions your intestines or other organs if needed before reinforcing the weak areas of your abdominal wall with a piece of mesh to prevent a hernia recurrence.


What is open hernia surgery?

During open hernia surgery, Dr. Zorc makes an incision to access the hernia. These incisions are different than laparoscopic incisions as they are directly over the hernia.  He uses stitches to close the gap and uses mesh when necessary to add strength to the repair before closing your incision.


What happens after hernia surgery?

Following hernia surgery, Dr. Zorc can help you manage pain and provide guidance for your post-surgical recovery.  Most patients have minimal pain after surgery.  Dr. Zorc routinely schedules checkups in the office after surgery so he can monitor your healing process. If you have any concerns about your recovery, you can contact Dr. Zorc at any time, including after normal business hours.

Call the office of Thomas G. Zorc, MD, to schedule a hernia surgery consultation or request an appointment online today.